The Newell Regional Landfill receives large amounts of pallets and unpainted lumber in incoming loads. Most come in sorted loads which are directed to the wood burning cells with no disposal fee. We also continue to see pallets and clean lumber mixed in with container and truck loads of other wastes.
It is the responsibility of the generator to ensure that any materials sent to
the landfill are acceptable and are separated as required. Smaller amounts of pallets and/or lumber which need separation may require sorting at the landfill by the hauler. Loads which contain larger amounts of pallets and/or lumber which should have been separated may be rejected at the landfill. Alternatively if dumped the landfill manager may apply a $100 to $250 surcharge for dumping of improperly segregated materials. Any landfill operator and equipment time needed for sorting will be charged back at a rate of $100/hour. These terms will also apply to loads of separated wastes which contain unacceptable amounts of other materials, for example a burnable wood or pallet load containing garbage, plastic wrap or non-burnable wood.
For waste management & diversion information contact Newell Regional Solid
Waste at (403) 362-9567, nrswma @telus.net.
To contact the landfill directly call (403) 362-5188. For information regarding the
Newell Regional Landfill http://www.newellwastemanagement.com.
For recycling options call Newell Recycling: (403) 362-2132, newellra@telus.net,
Thank you for your cooperation.
R. A. (Ray) Juska
Manager, NRSWMA Ltd.